Paper contents and format

Papers should present original results relevant to the conference topics. Papers should be prepared and uploaded in camera-ready form as a Microsoft Word .doc or .docx file. Detailed information for authors is in a template file M2025_Paper_template.dotx that can be downloaded from the conference web page. This document contains all necessary styles for paper formatting and may be directly used as a paper template. Optionally the papers can be prepared in LaTeX, the necessary support can be downloaded as file Submissions in LaTeX including all source files and generated pdf output should be uploaded as single .zip file. Maximal size of the uploaded (.doc, .docx or .zip) file is 5 MB. Length of the paper should not exceed 4 pages, papers of keynote speakers may have up to 10 pages.

Participation in Young Investigator Award competition

Authors not older than 35 years at the time of the Conference presenting invited or oral presentations can participate in the Young Investigator Award competition. Presented papers will be evaluated by an international jury. Authors of the best contributions will be invited to submit an in extenso paper to the Measurement Science Review on-line journal. Winner of the competition will be awarded by a prize offered by the conference organizers and sponsors.

Paper submission

Only registered conference participants can submit a paper. Use the REGISTRATION button to register for the conference. Each registered author may submit one or two papers. Deadline for paper submission is March 10, 2025. Conference proceedings will be distributed to conference participants at the time of the conference. Use the PAPER SUBMISSION button to upload your paper. After uploading the paper you can select preferred topic and type of presentation for your paper.

Paper evaluation

Each paper will be peer reviewed by 2 or 3 reviewers from the International Program Committee and invited specialists in the field. Based on the reviews, the organizers reserve the right to accept or reject submitted papers and to suggest their presentation as oral or short communication. The authors will be informed about acceptation, required corrections or rejection of their papers until April 15, 2025. If corrections of the paper are suggested by the reviewers, updated version of the paper should be uploaded in the same way as the original submission by May 5, 2025. Latest updated version will be included in the proceedings. Only papers of registered participants who will pay the conference fee until May 14, 2025 will be included in the proceedings.