MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW                                                          

 Main Page

Guide for Authors

The aim of the journal is to publish papers from scientific disciplines covering the Measurement science with an orientation toward:

theory of measurement,

measurement of physical quantities,

measurement in biomedicine. 

Your paper must have a character of a basic scientific research paper in the “Measurement Science” sphere, (new theory, analysis, synthesis, modeling, new measurement method, new sensors, data processing, data interpretation, graphical evaluation, new results,.....).

Peer-reviewers will evaluate all relevant submitted manuscripts. 

   Publication charge: 300.- Euro, plus 70.- Euro per page, max. 10 pages.   

   Pages above 10:  100.- Euro per page above 10.   

   Payment after positive review process.                 


  Instructions for the manuscript preparation: 

·       Maximum 10 pages A4, including title, authors‘ names, affiliation, fax and/or e-mail address, in camera-ready form, margins top and bottom:  Please see Templates.

·       Templates for your paper:

·       Papers shorter as 4 pages will be accepted as "Short Communication".

·       To submit your manuscripts (formats: Microsoft Word ( .docx ), or LATEX) to Measurement Science Review, upload your manuscript via:

        In the case of problems, please contact: 

·       A typing size of 18 points for title, 12 points for list of authors, 9 points for the Abstract and Keywords  and 10 points for the text is requested. Please see Templates.

·       Color or black-and-white pictures, line drawings and graphs have to be drawn with high quality.

·       Figures and illustrations are required to be PC processed and placed to the paper to a desired place. Vector formats of illustrations are preferred, e.g.  .eps, .wmf, .cgm, or bitmap formats as .pcx, .bmp, .tif, .jpg.

·        Photographs, black-white or colored, must be sufficiently enlarged according to one-column or two-column interpretation.

·       Typed tables are not regarded as figures. They have to be numbered separately (Table 1., Table 2.,  etc) with all necessary text or comments placed above them in captions.



·       MS WORD:      Template.docx    Template.pdf

·       LATEX:        LATEXTemplate     Templatex.pdf


In case the template files cannot be downloaded in your browser, please use another browser, e.g. MS Edge or Firefox.


Instructions for the manuscript structure: 

·       The body of the manuscript should be preceded by an Abstract limited to about 10 lines, followed by up to 6 keywords.
The Abstract will be also published in the appropriate PAPER SECTION together with author's names and the paper title.

·       For scientific contributions (full papers) the following scheme is required:

Abstract - centered on the page.

Keywords: - about 6 items

1.  Introduction - the topic of the article should be defined clearly and short review of published essential solutions and comparison with the authors results should be given.

2. Subject & methods - main ideas, theory, mathematical formulations, includes the data on the measuring method and instruments as well as experimental results. This part  should be accompanied by exact references.

3. Results - results should be summarized briefly and main authors scientific contributions should be demonstrated

4. Discussion / conclusions - presents a critical analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the obtained results.


References  - quoted in the text in square brackets and listed at the end of the paper in the order they have appeared in the text.



   Peer-review process and publications:

·       After the evaluation of the paper by two independent peer reviewers and ultimate changes made in submitted papers, please return the final version of your paper by e-mail prepared by MS-Word format.

·       In order to speed up the review process it is recommended to propose several reviewers  for every submitted paper, (NOT from a country of authors),  please see the last page in WORD template.

·       The papers will be published in PDF format with appropriate headers of the Journal and with running numbering of pages.

·       Every author will be informed about the date of publishing of his paper in the Journal.