MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW                                                                                  

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Guide for Referees 

The aim of the journal Measurement Science Review is to publish papers from scientific disciplines covering the Measurement Science with an orientation toward the theory of measurement, measurement of physical quantities and measurement in biomedicine. Two independent peer-reviewers will evaluate the submitted manuscripts. The advantage of the on-line edition of the Journal will be the speed of publication, just in the day of receiving positive reports from reviewers.

The main criteria for papers to be accepted for publication in Measurement Science Review are:

Scientific Level - A manuscript should report important results of substantial research in one of the above mentioned fields of Measurement Science.

Impact - The results should be novel and/or of significant importance for the field to which they contribute and possibly to others. 

General Interest - The reported work should be at the forefront of a field of broad interest, and the results should be put into a broader context of related work. Making them accessible to researchers in other fields of specialization may be achieved by suitable, clearly written introduction and conclusion. References should of course be adequate and representative.

The referees are of course not responsible for deficiencies of the papers, and are not requested to redo an experiment or a calculation. Poorly written papers are nevertheless sent to referees, and at the same time returned to the authors for improvement. The main issue in the refereeing process is to judge whether or not the paper succeeds in conveying insight into the reported basic, novel, and important new results, not only for the specialist but also for people working in neighbouring areas. Even if a paper is sound and of importance but badly organized or unclearly written, it should be rejected, or at least returned for revision.

Since a short publication time is vital for papers published with Measurement Science Review, we would be grateful if you could send us your report with the minimum delay, possibly using prepared electronic Recommendation Form available at

For further information, please contact the Editor in Chief, at  

Institute of Measurement Science 
Slovak Academy of Sciences 
Dubravska cesta 9 
841 04 Bratislava 
Web address:  
Tel: (+4212) 5477 4033
Fax: (+4212) 5477 5943