MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW Volume 6, Section 1 Main Page | |
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Theoretical Problems of Measurement | |
No. 1 |
1 - 6 |
Kräuter L., Osanna P. H.: Quality Assurance for the Design of Prototypes at the World’s Largest Particle Measurement System Abstract: At CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland) is the most powerful particle collider in the world under construction. The aim of the project is to discover more about of the secrets of the different states of matter at the "Big Bang" and the universe. It will be the first time that an accelerator with a diameter of 9 km runs totally on super conductive magnets. Because of this challenging dimensions, the needed accelerator, detectors and machines will be unique in the world and so all of them will be operating prototypes. To reach the product specification of those installations, the project organisation needs purpose designed Quality Assurance tools to fulfil their scientific objects. Keywords: quality assurance, particle measurement system, iteration process
7 - 11 |
Takayama S., Sato K., Hiraoka M., Kariya K.: Construction of Flexible Sensing Node Network for Monitoring Landslide Disaster Abstract: Monitoring landslide disaster, sensor should transmit measuring data to host system urgently at the same time with the disaster. In some cases, the sensor disappears easily by the disaster. Additionally, it is necessary to observe broadly by distributed arrangement of many sensors because of difficult forecast of the disaster place. By these characteristic reasons, local sensing network is used to monitor the disaster. This paper describes the construction of sensing node network system which adapts flexibly to loss/addition of sensing nodes and urgent data transmission. The system operation is consisted by three characteristic operation modes (initialize mode, measuring mode and urgent mode). Switching those operation modes automatically by situation of mutual sensing node, the system realizes multiple data storage, effective data transmission and reconstruction of network link. Keywords: sensing network, autonomous network linking, disaster monitoring |
No. 2 |
12-16 |
Janiga I., Garaj I.: One-sided Tolerance Factors of Normal Distributions with unknown mean and variability Abstract: In the contribution are given some approximate formulas as well as a derivation of exact formula for computing of the one-sided tolerance factors of normal distribution with unknown mean and unknown variability. It is also shown that the exact computation of the factors is closely related with non-central t-distributions. Keywords: tolerance intervals, mean, variability
17-21 |
Palenčár R., Jankura N.: The Design of Continuous Scale Calibration Experiment Abstract: This paper deals with evaluation of continuous scale calibration experiments. Especially shows the designs of experiments which we are able to evaluate. Keywords: Continuous Scale Calibration, Calibration, Metrology, Measurement, Measuring device |
No. 3 |
22-26 |
Grendar M.: Criterion selection for Boltzmann Jaynes Inverse Problem: concluding considerations Abstract: Boltzmann-Jaynes ill-posed inverse problem (BJIP) is usually regularized by means of extremization of a criterial function. When BJIP is defined by a moment consistency constraint (mcc) it is natural to place on the criterial function a requirement of complementarity of the extremization problem with Maximum Likelihood task. Previously, it was shown that Kullback-Leibler (KL) criterion satisfies the ML-complementarity requirement, while an Empirical Likelihood kind of criterion is not ML-complementary. Here, it is shown that KL is the only criterion which satisfies the Mlcomplementarity requirement. This result at the same time completes a non-axiomatic Relative Entropy Maximization (REM/MaxEnt) method, since it shows that REM/MaxEnt method which under mcc transforms potential linearly. Keywords: Boltzmann Jaynes Inverse Problem, Relative Entropy Maximization
27-31 |
Lackner F., Osanna P. H., Riegler W., Kopetz H.: A novel solution for various monitoring applications at CERN Abstract: The construction of the LHC, world’s largest particle accelerator, includes the high-precision positioning of large structures. To achieve the needed accuracy, the development and implementation of new monitoring methods is required. Keywords: BCAM monitoring system, Corner cube prism |
No. 4 |
32-35 |
Povalač P., Hribik J.: Computer Controlled Measurement System Abstract: Simple computer (PC) controlled data-acquisition board which enables to measure basic electrical quantities such as DC and AC (true RMS value) voltages and currents, resistance and frequency has been designed. The board contains all the necessary circuits for such measurements. Microcontroller on the board is connected with PC by a serial channel, so it is possible to set the measuring conditions from the PC and to read the measured results on the PC monitor. The final corrected measured results are calculated in the PC. The program for system control and calculations is written in C++. The system is intended to be used in education process. Keywords: data-acquisition board, automated measurement system, true RMS value measurement.
36-39 |
Jurčević M., Malarić R., Šala A.: Web based platform for distance training on Electrical Measurements course Abstract: This paper presents a Web based platform for distance learning. The platform is used in the course “Electrical Measurements” at Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Zagreb, Croatia. The paper describes the design of the FER Internet Laboratory, and experimental setup of Web based experiment. The suggested design offers a possibility to teach or present high precision experiments using expensive or sensitive equipment that is unavailable in sufficient quantities to serve large number of students. Keywords: distance learning, web-based remote laboratory, LabVIEW |
40-49 |
Hornišová K. Abstract: Taylor linearization methods are often used in nonlinear regression models to simplify statistical inferences. Criteria for correct use of such methods are often build on intrinsic curvature of the original model. When the prior distribution of parameter of expectation is known, the linearization by smoothing can be used instead of Taylor linearization. Criteria for its use should be based on some alternative measure of intrinsic curvature. We propose such a measure in the case of one dimensional expectation parameter. Keywords: nonlinear regression model, intrinsic curvature, prior, eigenvalues |
50-53 |
Čičáková O., Štefanička P. Efficiency of Automated Measurement Systems Abstract: Automated measurement systems may be appreciated by characteristics expressing some different qualitative and quantitative parameters, e.g. efficiency, resolution, precision etc. This contribution deals with the efficiency of automated measurement system. The efficiency can be influenced not only by faster elements but by properly selection of configuration and quantitative algorithm, too. For the programmable multimeter HP34401A controlled by PC the measurements were done through General Purpose Interface Bus. The applications that allows these measurements were generated in LabWindows/CVI and LabView environments. The approach was based on efficiency measurement characteristics in the term of time measurement. Duration of the measurement of given number of samples in dependence of device configurations was evaluated. Keywords: AMS efficiency, efficiency measurement, efficiency parameters, GPIB |
54-57 |
Kariya K., Takayama S. Measurement Science for Liberal Education to rise up Scientific and Technical Sense of Society Abstract: In this paper we report a concept of “measurement science for liberal education” by collecting the thought proposed in our previous papers. Because in the age of science, technology and information oriented society, a science that all people able to learn at each education stage according to each level wanted. An act to measure is a fundamental action of a man so that when it is discussed systematically as the fundamental human activity and the carrier of roll on society, namely by scientific methodology, the science arise in hear becomes just appropriate science for Liberal Education to rise up the scientific and technological sense of people. Here this science takes a position of “MEASUREMENT SCIENCE FOR LIBERAL EDUCATION”. Keywords: liberal education, an action of a man, an act to measure, measurement science |
No. 5 |
58-64 |
Juráš V., Haverlík I. K. Discrete Mathematical Model of Simulation of Autowave Processes in Biomembranes Abstract: In this work we introduce mathematical (logical) model of biological membrane, which simulates generation and progression of some non-linear processes. Using discrete approach seems to be more effective in comparison to classical continuous methods. Medium was fragmented to a finite amount of regions with specific characteristics, and relations among them were investigated. It turned out that macrophenomena in medium rises on the basis of microphenomena, i.e. they are contingent on relations among components of medium. By the help of discrete models we can very effective simulate properties of medium and processes proceeding in it. Result is a mathematical model, which consist of abstract cellular mosaic) automaton - homogeneous structure. We have derived basic properties of automaton, i.e. state of the element and transition functions, and using them we have made simulations of generation and propagation of special non-linear (autowave) processes. Keywords: nonlinear model, cellular automaton, autowaves |
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